How to Cures for Hashimoto's
Things You'll Need
- Access to physician
- Herbal supplements
Hashimoto's Disease Treatment Instructions
Go to a medical professional who specializes in Hashimoto's Disease symptoms such as an inability to lose weight despite diet and exercise, excessive tiredness, constipation and thinning of hair. The doctor will likely send you to a lab for a blood test as it is preliminary for a diagnosis.
Go to a blood laboratory and have a thorough blood test for thyroid deficiencies. Let the clinicians know that you want more than just a basic thyroid test and that you need a complete blood work analysis. The reason being that other levels in the blood can be indicative of Hashimoto's beyond a simple thyroid level test.
Eliminate gluten, casein, caffeine, red meats and sugars from their diet. Dr. Jennifer Rhodes of the Wellness Center in St. Louis, Missouri explains that "although this may be a dramatic dietary change, it is necessary because all of these substances aggravate the condition and increase the rate of damage to the thyroid."
Take one to two cups of organic Dandelion Tea each day. According to Dr. Jennifer Rhodes, "Dandelion tea strengthens the immune system naturally while increasing the energy level, preventing sluggishness and constipation".
Take two tablespoons of flaxseed oil each day. Flaxseed oil is high in both vitamin B-6, vitamin B-9, omega-6, omega-9 as well as other essential fatty acids. It effectively and safely balances the body's good and bad prostaglandins naturally. According to Dr. Jennifer Rhodes, the flaxseed oil assists in balancing the body's level of essential fatty acids, thus assisting a poorly functioning digestive system in more efficient functioning.
As Dr. Jennifer Rhodes advises her patients to do, take one teaspoon of cod liver oil each day. It is very high in vitamin D which is present in only a very select few foods, one being cod liver oil. This prevents insulin resistance and is effective in the long-term treatment of Hashimoto's Disease.
Take a supplement of Bayberry every day. According to the information on, it stimulates the body to regulate and balance its own hormone levels and has been found effective in treatment for Hashimoto's Disease.
"Exercise for a minimum of 40 minutes per day, four-to-five days per week", advises Dr. Jennifer Rhodes. "Exercise promotes optimal functioning of the thyroid and it helps in maintaining a healthy metabolism as well as normal hormonal levels". Forms of exercise can include such activities as a moderately paced walk, a ride on a bike, yoga, swimming laps or even water aerobics.