How do I Lose Weight With Hypothyrodism?
Follow the directions of your doctor. Make sure to take your prescribed medications in the exact fashion your doctor has ordered. If you feel as if your medication is not working correctly for you, contact your doctor to have your thyroid levels checked and have him adjust your medication accordingly.
Exercise regularly. It is important to keep your body in shape as much as possible. Exercises such as a brisk walk jog or a few laps in a pool can get that blood moving and elevate your heart rate. Try to exercise at least 30 minutes four times a week.
Take an iodine supplement. Iodine has been proven to help improve the function of the thyroid. Of course, consult your doctor before adding supplements to your diet.
Drink green tea. Green tea has been shown to increase the metabolic rate and reduces the symptoms of fatigue.
Use organic hemp seed in your diet. Hemp seed is believed to help the body burn up to 25 percent more calories. It contains protein and amino acids.
Add cayenne to your diet. Cayenne is an herb that contains vitamins A, B and C and potassium as well as Calcium. It aids in digestion and can reduce the appetite of its users and increase digestion of fats.