Cancer Treatment With Gallium
Gallium Nitrate
Gallium is an element that does not occur in nature but can combine with nitrate. Gallium nitrate is a liquid compound that does not occur naturally and is man-made for use by drug companies.
Gallium nitrate is used primarily to lower the amount of calcium in the blood. Dangerously excessive amounts can be caused by cancer. This condition, called hypercalcemia, can be deadly.
A medical doctor or specialist at a hospital or clinic can put you on intravenous gallium nitrate. You will then be hospitalized for five days, or until your calcium concentration reaches a safe level, while you receive the gallium nitrate.
If you are allergic to gallium nitrate, take water pills or have heart disease, you may be advised not to be treated with gallium nitrate. That's because gallium nitrate can increase your heart rate, which may damage weak hearts. And water pills can interfere with the absorption of calcium. Don't take this medicine if you are pregnant or breast-feeding.
Side Effects
Nausea, vomiting or urinating less frequently may be signs of an overdose. If you experience hives, loss of breath and facial swelling, you may be allergic. Alert you doctor if you experience intense thirst, swelled legs, easy bruising, blurred vision, headache, confusion, hallucinations, poor breathing, hot flashes or an increased heart rate.