How to Prevent Bladder Polyps
Avoid cigarette smoke and exposure to industrial chemicals.
When visiting developing nations such as those in South America, the Caribbean and Africa, be mindful of schistosomiasis. According to Dr. Shmerling, schistosomiasis is an infection caused by parasites that lay eggs in the bladder wall, which can cause polyps to develop and also elevate the risk of developing cancer in the bladder.
If you suspect a bladder polyp, which can cause symptoms such as frequent urination, pain during urination or blood in the urine, schedule an appointment with a urologist to have a cystoscopy. A small device is inserted into the bladder through the urethra, allowing the doctor to search for polyps and extract a sample that can be used for a biopsy.
If a bladder polyp is found, the urologist will likely suggest surgical removal.