You are 37 yrs old having digonised with adenomatous hyperplasia mild atypiadoctors advised for histeroctomy is it all right to remove at this age?
Adenomatous hyperplasia with mild atypia is a condition in which the cells in the lining of the uterus (the endometrium) have undergone some changes that could be a precursor to cancer. However, mild atypia is considered to be a low-risk condition and the vast majority of women with this condition will not develop cancer. Even when cancer does develop, it can often be managed with less invasive measures, such as hormone therapy or local excision of the affected tissue.
Given your age and the nature of your diagnosis, it is reasonable to seek a second opinion from another gynecologist to discuss your options and the potential risks and benefits of hysterectomy. If you do decide to undergo hysterectomy, it is important to be aware of the potential risks and complications associated with the procedure, including bleeding, infection, and damage to nearby organs. You should also consider the impact that hysterectomy will have on your reproductive health and long-term health.