What Not to Do a Day Before a Prostate Biopsy?
The needle of a prostate biopsy can penetrate the lining of the colon because of its thinness. Your colon carries feces--breeding grounds for harmful and potentially deadly bacteria such as E. coli. If your colon is breached, these bacteria can enter your prostrate and aggravate any existing infection because of the relative lack of antibodies. Internal bleeding can also result. Avoid taking any anticoagulant medications prior to your biopsy, because anticoagulants will interfere with blood clotting and put you at risk for infection.
Anesthesia Preparation
Don't eat or drink anything for at least six hours prior to receiving anesthesia. Under anesthesia, your body loses control of some of its functions such as digestion. According to the Associated Anesthesiologists of Reno, your body normally has protective reflexes that prevent the stomach from expelling partially digested food into the lungs. During surgery, the anesthesia halts these processes. Therefore, you should avoid eating so your have no food in your stomach. This will prevent you from choking. You can drink sugarless liquids to flush out toxins from your system. Clear liquids such as water, tea, and fruit juice digest easily, according to the website Drug Information Online.
MSN Health recommends you take an enema to clear any feces from your system if your biopsy will be performed through the anus. Your doctor may issue one to you. Try to wait five minutes to have a bowel movement after using the enema, so your digestive tract will completely empty of food and liquid.