How to Prevent Fibroid Tumors
Exercise regularly. Aim to get 30 minutes of cardio workout at least three times per week. This will help control your weight and keep your body healthy, and keep estrogen levels in check.
Keep your weight under control. Doctor's opinions differ about what an appropriate weight for your height is, so discuss weight and methods to control your weight with your doctor to keep your estrogen levels even.
Discuss taking a birth control pill with your doctor. This can help balance estrogen and keep the fibroid tumors at bay.
Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits, especially leafy vegetables. Foods that are natural and pass through the liver more readily are less likely to raise your estrogen level.
Begin a vitamin regimen. In addition to a multivitamin, try taking L-arginine (an amino acid that may slow tumor growth) and two garlic capsules three times per day (garlic is a tumor growth inhibitor). Take all pills as directed on the label and as prescribed by your doctor.