Pituitary Tumor Centers
There are many treatment centers around the U.S. that specifically treat a tumor on the pituitary gland. According to the University Of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC), there are several different types of treatment for a pituitary gland tumor, and it depends on which hormone the tumor is releasing into the body. At UPMC, some common treatments include the use of medication, radiation and endoscopic endonasal approach, in which the an endoscope is placed through the nose to remove the tumor through the nasal passages.
Most pituitary tumor centers are located in large hospitals or medical organizations. The Mayo Clinic in Cleveland is one of the world's leaders in removal of pituitary gland tumors. This specific surgery is performed at the clinic more than 200 times per year. The surgeons there have been recognized internationally for their skills in stereotactic radiosurgery.The Neuroendocrine Clinical Center at the Massachusetts General Hospital was voted U.S. News Best Hospital for 2008 for its work in endocrinology.
There are many benefits associated with being treated at large centers such as the aforementioned ones. These centers have highly educated and trained physicians and state-of-the-art equipment to deal with the specific effects of the pituitary tumor. Their modern techniques offer less invasive treatments, which make recovery time faster and leave no disfigurement. Large centers like these rarely suffer from under-staffing and budget cuts, allowing them to remain at the forefront of medical technology.
Choosing a Center
Many times your physician will have a particular treatment center that he refers you to. Doctors have years of experience diagnosing and referring patients for treatment. Chances are they have learned which centers offer the best results. Check message boards online for patients' recommendations. Call treatment centers and ask to schedule a tour of the facility, or if you are not within driving distance, ask to have informational materials mailed to you to help you make your decision.
There are many good pituitary tumor centers around the country. The ones mentioned here are just a few options you have available. Research is key, and by learning all you can about the treatments offered at these centers, together with your physician's advice, you will be armed with the tools necessary to choose the treatment center that fits your needs.