Lung Cancer End Stages
Lung Cancer Staging
Lung cancer staging is a way to categorize the size and breadth of cancer as it spreads through the body. Cancers are treated, and prognoses are given, according to different stages of the disease.
Different Lung Cancer Stages
There are four lung cancer stages, from I to IV, with I being the mildest and IV being the most severe. In stage I, tumors are confined to the chest. In stage II, the cancer is confined to the chest. In stage III, with the cancer still confined to the chest, the tumors are larger than in stage II.
Stage IV Lung Cancer
In stage IV lung cancer, tumors spread from the chest to other parts of the body. Common destinations include the liver, adrenal glands, bones and even the brain. At this point, prognoses become more dire, and the chance of survival is minimal. As a last resort, chemotherapy or radiation may be used.
Symptoms of Stage IV Lung Cancer
Intense pain and the presence of blood in the saliva are both symptoms of stage IV lung cancer. Other symptoms include the buildup of fluid in the lungs and other respiratory illnesses like the flu.
Living With End Stage Lung Cancer
Consult a health professional to help your family improve or maintain the quality of life of the patient. If pain management is an issue, more pain relief measures may have to be considered.