Nutritional Healing of Fibroids
The Estrogen Connection
Female hormones are credited with making fibroids grow. Estrogen levels are a main culprit, so dietary changes that reduce estrogen levels in the blood often help decrease fibroids in number and size.
Avoiding foods that contain added hormones is an important first step. This would include meat and other products from animals who are treated with hormones during their lives before slaughter. Look for certified organic beef and poultry that includes a "hormone-free" label. Choose free range chicken and buy eggs laid by cage-free birds. Hormone-free dairy products are another nutritional healing choice. Drink milk and eat cheese from dairies that do not use hormones to stimulate milk production.
Manage Insulin Levels
Insulin production affects how estrogen is metabolized. At certain levels, insulin can cause irritation and increase in fibroid symptoms due to resulting inflammation of tissues.
"White foods" such as white flour and white sugar are notorious dietary mistakes for people who need to control insulin levels. The body's processing of these simple carbohydrates increases insulin in the bloodstream and can lead to estrogen imbalance. Fibroid suffers may find great relief by choosing a diet that eliminates simple carbohydrates from white bread, pastries and cakes.
Hormonal and insulin levels can also be managed with foods high in whole grain, and low in saturated fat and artificial ingredients. Avoid greasy, fried foods and empty calories from junk-food snacks like fast-food burgers, candy bars, and processed vending machine snacks.
Control Inflammation
Inflammation has been linked to fibroid symptoms and frequency. The University of Maryland Medical Center reports that extensive studies have shown Omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation.
The unsaturated fats found in cold-water fish, flaxseed, olive oil and nuts have a desirable balance of Omega-3s, which the body cannot produce on its own. Fatty fish like salmon and tuna are recommended for twice-a-week consumption. Fish oil supplements are an alternative that can be taken every day. Choose fish oil supplements certified as mercury-free by a reputable third party.
Several plant foods are high in Omega 3s, also -- soy and soy products like tofu; nuts and nut oils; flaxseed and flaxseed oil; olives and olive oil; and whole grains. For this reason, a vegetarian or vegan diet is often recommended for nutritional healing of fibroids.