How to Heal Fibroids
Things You'll Need
- Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (Lupron) Synthetic androgens (Danazol) Gym membership Intra-uterine device High intensity ultrasound/MRI Tripterygium Glycoside Tablets (10 mg) Myomectomy Hysterectomy
The Process
Schedule an appointment with your gynecologist to make sure it is actually fibroids that you are dealing with. Other conditions can have similar symptoms that may require invasive treatment or prescribed medications to remedy the condition. Get a pap smear to rule out cervical cancer, and follow your doctor's recommendations.
Take medications as directed. If you are prescribed Lupron or another Gonadotropin-releasing hormone, use the full course of treatment as prescribed; ask your doctor how to manage any side effects associated with the use of this medication. Side effects can mimic symptoms associated with menopause and can include hot flashes as well as considerable bone loss.
Use synthetic androgens, like Danazol, if and when they are prescribed by your physician. Androgens can cease fibroid growth, stop your menstrual flow when excessive, and avoid the development of low iron issues and anemia. Discuss potential side effects and how to manage them with your doctor.
Head to the local gym and start working out on a regular basis. Get a cardiovascular workout or work out with free weights three times a week so that you can reduce fibroid complications by losing any extra weight.
Have an intra-uterine device placed in your uterus by a physician to slow your menstrual bleeding and shrink fibroid growth.
Set up a session for a high-intensity ultrasound so that the fibroids can be located via an MRI and destroyed via ultrasonic energy, if this process is recommended by your physician.
Order tripterygium glyscoside tablets and take the product as directed to help reduce fibroid growth as an alternative remedy for fibroid healing; the herb contains the components tripdioline and triptolide, which work to suppress the immune system and to diminish swelling and inflammation naturally.
Reduce your red meat intake and your milk intake to lower the amount of xenoestrogens that you consume; the latter pesticide is associated with fibroid growth and perpetuation. Also, make changes in your diet to lose weight if you are overweight, since women who are overweight are more likely to develop fibroid issues due to increases in estrogen levels maintained and stored in body fat.
Reduce your carbohydrate intake. A large intake of carbohydrates can aggravate fibroid conditions. Minimize your carbohydrate intake to 15 grams or fewer each meal.
Consume more soy products in your diet, like soy milk, to help reduce the amount of estrogen in your system and shrink fibroid growth. Get at least 80 milligrams of isoflavones every day.
Relax and spend some time enjoying life. Engage in your hobbies and minimize your stress levels. Enjoying life will help in naturally restoring hormone production to optimal levels.