| | Conditions Treatments | Tumors
Tumor Symptoms
Not all tumors mean cancer, but the symptoms of both benign and cancerous tumors can be the same and are not limited to an unexplained lump on the body. There are several other symptoms of tumors that people, especially tobacco users and overweight individuals, should watch out for to ensure optimum health.-
An important concept to remember when looking out for tumors is that they do not always lead to visible lumps on the body. However, any unexplained visible lump or mole change should be examined by a doctor.
Weight Loss
Unexplained weight loss could indicate the possibility of a tumor in the body.
Frequent coughing without the presence of illness is a common sign of a lung tumor and could indicate lung cancer.
Body chills when not accompanied by a case of influenza are another symptom of a benign or cancerous tumor somewhere in the body.
Night Sweats
Sweating a lot at night, especially when trying to sleep, is a common sign of a tumor.
Loss of Appetite
Sudden loss of appetite without a medical reason such as a new medication could very well indicate the presence of a tumor.