Head Tumor Symptoms
Obviously headaches can be the symptom of a multitude of health issues, including dehydration, flu or vitamin deficiency. If you have chronic headaches along with the other symptoms listed here, then it could be a symptom of a brain tumor.
Seizures are scary and when combined with headaches can make you fear that you have a brain tumor. Seizures can be the result of a reaction to medication, a thyroid dysfunction or a seizure disorder. If you have seizures accompanied by the other symptoms listed here, then a head tumor may be the cause.
Changes in Personality or Mental Stability
If your family or friends notice changes in your mental functioning, or sudden and radical changes in your personality, then this could be a symptom of a brain tumor.
Mass Effect
Mass effect is a term used to define a combination of vomiting, drowsiness, and swollen nerves in the eyes. This can be a strong symptom of a brain tumor when combined with the other common symptoms.
Sensory Problems
Sensory problems include problems in speech, hearing, touch, or any of the other areas of sensory perception.