How to Detect Cancer
Cells are very small units that constitute all living organisms, including the human body. In healthy individuals, cells tend to grow and divide according to its normal rate and stop growing after reaching its ideal development. When these cells die, such as dead skin cells that flakes off, new batches of cells are produced at the very same time to replace those that died. These are all normal cycles of healthy cells.For individuals with cancer, their cells tend to grow and divide uncontrollably. And such divided cells don't die, they just keep on growing abnormally and may clump together to form tumors--until they are able to invade and damage other healthy tissues. These cancer cells can spread or metastasize on various parts of the body via the blood stream and lymphatic system. Here are the following symptoms that will help detect the presence of cancer.Instructions
Notice the stability of your weight. Persistent weight loss often occur along with any type of cancer. Unintentional loss of weight can reach up to a drop of ten pounds or more and may start at the onset of the disease. Cancers that are more likely to manifest this kind of symptom are stomach cancer, lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, colorectal cancer and cancer of the esophagus.
Observe how often you feel tired. Extreme exhaustion or constant feeling of fatigue is a typical sign of cancer. It may start during the early stage of the disease. But, it may also begin as loss of blood develops with the condition, such as leukemia and some types of stomach or colon cancer.
Use a thermometer to measure your temperature. Fever is one of the common symptoms of cancer. It can be seen in early stages such as with leukemia and lymphoma. But it occurs more often in advance cases of cancer, where the cancer itself or its treatment extremely affects the immune system--making it difficult for the body to battle existing infections.
Watch for some unusual changes in your skin. Changes in the texture and color of the skin and the size and shape of moles around the skin can be observed in skin cancers or melanoma. Cancers occurring inside the body may also bring about noticeable changes to the skin such as reddening (erythema), darkening (hyperpigmentation), yellowing (jaundice), itching and abnormal growth of hair around the skin.
Monitor how frequently you feel pain. Pain can be an early indication of cancer such as in cases of bone or testicular cancer. Pain can also be a constant companion of cancer, especially on more progressed or advanced cases. A headache thats far more severe than the usual type, last for days, and fails to improve with medications can be a sign of cancer. Constant pain in the back and pelvic area are common among patients with ovarian cancer.
Take note of some changes in your stools and bowel habits. The consistency, caliber, and appearance of your stool may come out different than normal. Stools may appear bloody or dark and are as thin as pencils such as in cases of colon and rectal cancer. Continuous diarrhea or constipation may also occur. In some cases, individuals with cancer may have a constant feeling of wanting to defecate even if they really don't need to--and if they do defecate, such feeling will still remain for more than a few days.
Try to observe if you had undergone changes in bladder function. Cancer can cause urinary problems that may include pain during urination, blood in the urine, and changes in the urine flow--there may be frequent or less urination than normal.
Keep an eye for some non-healing sores around your body. Bleeding of the skin is common among skin cancers, which may appear like non-healing sores. Persistent white or red patches around the mouth (gums, tonsils or tongue), especially on chain smokers or individuals that chew tobacco, can be signs of cancer. Sores that do not heal around the testicles or vagina may possibly be a sign of cancer.
Palpate the surfaces of your body for some existing lumps or swollen lymph nodes. Lumps are often harmless but for those that do not go away and causes severe pain as you touch it, may be related to cancer. Lumps around the breasts and testicular area that continuously grow in size and causes pain, should be evaluated right away, as this can be an indication of cancer.
Keep an eye over some unusual discharge of blood in your system. Abnormal bleeding may occur during the early or later stage of cancer. Coughing of blood or blood in the phlegm may indicate cancer of the lungs. An unusual vaginal discharge may be a sign of cancer in the uterus or cervix. Breast cancer can show signs of an abnormal discharge of blood from the nipple. A bloody or dark stool may be indicative of colon or rectal cancer; and blood in the urine (hematuria) may be a sign of bladder or kidney cancer.
Observe if you ever have frequent indigestion or if you find it difficult to swallow. Both of these symptoms may be due to other causes, but it can also be a sign of an existing cancer. Indigestion along with bloating are common among patients with ovarian cancer. Dysphagia or difficulty in swallowing may indicate cancer of the throat, esophagus, or stomach.
Check with your doctor if you experience persistent cough and hoarseness. Constant coughing that lasts for more than a month along with blood expectorations, may be a sign of lung cancer. If hoarseness or grating sound of your voice remains the same for long periods of time, it can be a sign of throat, larynx or thyroid caner.