How to Diagnose Pituitary Tumors
Provide your doctor with your family history concerning family members who have had pituitary tumors, multiple kidney stones, hypoglycemia, stomach ulcers or other pertinent ailments. Tell him if you suffer from symptoms such as sexual dysfunction, growth problems, severe vision problems, easy bruising or a variety of other conditions either singly or in clusters.
Let your doctor test you for central nervous system (CNS) disorders. Some of the tests include checking your reflexes, motor skills, balance and coordination. Your mental state is considered in the evaluation since pituitary tumors can cause depression. If your doctor suspects your symptoms may signal a pituitary adenoid you must undergo further testing.
Schedule an MRI and/or a CAT scan. These identify most macro-adenomas and micro-adenomas, although there are some types too small for detection by this method. Blood and urine tests will be done to check the levels of various hormones to see if there is a deficiency or excess.
Consider having a spinal tap performed if other testing is inconclusive. This procedure consists of having spinal fluid extracted from your spinal cord, and then tested for substances that are present along with some types of tumors. The only certain way of diagnosing a pituitary tumor is to have a biopsy done. This also gives your doctor the information he needs to determine the course of treatment.
Have your doctor check for invasion of surrounding tissue if you have been diagnosed with a pituitary tumor. Only 2 percent of these tumors are aggressive, but you should be sure the nearby tissue has not been affected. You and your doctor must also watch for signs of recurrence if you have had surgery to remove the tumor, because it is difficult to extract it completely.