Pedunculated Fibroid Symptoms
Vaginal bleeding is one symptom of a pedunculated fibroid. This can come in the form of bleeding between periods or a prolonged period lasting more than seven days. Heavy menstrual bleeding may also occur, sometimes heavy enough to include blood clots.
Bladder and Bowel
Digestive changes may also occur. These can include constipation, gas or the frequent need to urinate. Fibroid sufferers may also have a sense of abdominal fullness and bloating as well as difficulty emptying the bladder completely.
Pain or pressure in the pelvis is another pedunculated fibroid symptom. Back, leg and belly pain may also occur. Suffers may experience pain during intercourse. Cramping and pain during the menstrual cycle is also possible.
Acute Pain and Fever
A rare symptom of fibroid is acute pain and fever when the fibroid begins to die. The byproducts from the dying fibroid can enter into the body's tissue and cause acute pain. A pedunculated fibroid can die when it twists on its stalk, which cuts off blood supply to the fibroid growth and deprives the tissue of nutrients.
Factors That Influence Development
Fibroid development is related to estrogen levels, which may explain why they tend to shrink after menopause when estrogen levels are reduced. Fibroid occurrence is two to three times higher in African-American women than in white women. Women who had their first menstrual period before age 10 and women with a family history of fibroids are more likely to have them. Conversely, women taking birth control or who have had children are less likely to have fibroids.