Benign Neck Tumors
A benign mixed tumor is the most common tumor of the parotid gland in adults which is located in and around the mouth and throat. A Warthin’s Tumor (papillary cystadenoma lymphomatosum) occurs most often in the tail end of the parotid gland of white, middle aged males. According to Robert L. Hatch, MD, a Warthin’s tumor is the only benign tumor associated with smoking.
The most common benign neck tumor in children is the hemangioma. Hemangionas are tumors of the blood vessels and not life threatening. Richard J. Antaya, MD, claims this condition begins in the third trimester of gestation and in thirty percent of cases the tumor(s) are present at birth. The other seventy percent will appear in the first several weeks of life. The incidence of a hemangioma becoming malignant is extremely rare.
A lipoma is a common benign tumor of fat tissue that can occur anywhere on the body, most are under the skin. Benign nerve tumors, such as neurogibromas, schwannomas and neuromas occur most often in the upper arms and neck. Although these tumors begin as benign, they can become malignant. “See reference 3”
In most cases, there are no symptoms when the mass is benign. Most commonly, a lump is discovered while washing, shaving or scratching an itch. A physical exam most often reveals a single mass that is solid, mobile and is not tender when pushed on.
A CT scan is nearly 100 percent accurate in detecting a gland mass, but cannot distinguish between benign and malignant. It is mostly used to determine the size and extent of a tumor. An MRI provides a greater contrast than a CT scan, thus it is better at determining benign tumors. A thin needle aspiration is recommended for biopsy because an incision type biopsy commonly leads to spreading of benign tumors.
Common treatment is a complete excision of the tumor with a margin of surrounding tissue along with facial nerve dissection, when necessary. Removal of the tumor is generally curative for all benign lesions.
Although some hemangiomas in children may disappear without treatment, in some cases, results of a hemangioma excision of the parotid tumor may require several grafts to repair soft tissue damage, depending on the size and location of the tumor. The most common complication is facial nerve damage.