Signs of Fibroid Shrinkage
Abdominal Pain Diminishes
According to Women’s Health Information, fibroids can develop and shrink of their own accord—most come and go without being noticed. Larger fibroids cause abdominal pain and discomfort, and can feel like constant period pain. If a fibroid is the cause of abdominal pain and cramps, a cessation or diminishing of this pain is a sign that the fibroid is shrinking. Ultrasonic testing can confirm this shrinkage.
Painless Sexual Intercourse
If painful intercourse is a marked symptom of a fibroids, as is the case with many sufferers, then achieving intercourse without pain is a sign that the fibroid has shrunk. According to Shrink Fibroids Naturally, painful intercourse is mostly associated with intramural fibroids, but depends on the location of the fibroid being close enough or large enough to be pressed through the vaginal wall during intercourse.
Regular Period
A very common symptom of fibroids is irregular and overly heavy menstrual bleeding. For women whose periods have been affected by fibroids, attaining a regular period cycle is a sign that the fibroids have shrunk. Vaginal bleeding between periods is also caused by fibroids in the uterus. Cessation of vaginal bleeds between cycles and the establishment of a single monthly bleeding cycle is a sign of fibroid shrinkage.
Normal Urination
According to Shrink Fibroids Naturally, urination is also affected by fibroids. Fibroids cause more frequent urination, and often cause the urge to urinate without actually passing water. This occurs when the fibroids put pressure on the urinary tract and send confused signals to the brain. When fibroids that have caused urinary problems shrink, the urinary cycle returns to normal.
Fibroids can be a cause of infertility. If they are pressing on the fallopian tube, they may be stopping ovule release and can block the passage of sperm to the egg. If infertility has been the main symptom of fibroids, then becoming pregnant is a sure sign that the fibroids have shrunk. For women who get pregnant after having fibroids, extra care during pregnancy is needed to ensure they don’t return.