How Does Diet Affect Ulcers?
Diet and Eating Recommendations
Eating small meals throughout the day will decrease your chances of ulcers acting up. It is also recommended that you avoid eating a few hours before you go to sleep as ulcers tend to act up more in the evening. Eating foods that are high in alkaline and low in acid, such as broccoli, carrots and figs, can also help with ulcer symptoms.
High Fat and Fried Foods
Foods high in fat or that are fried can irritate your digestive tract and ulcers so it is best to avoid to avoid these types of food. Some of the foods to avoid include potato chips and french fries that are cooked in grease. High-fat meats and donuts are also not recommended.
Alcohol, Caffeine, Coffee and Carbonated Beverages
Even that one cup of coffee in the morning can bother your ulcers. Any alcoholic, caffeinated or carbonated beverage should be avoided when treating your ulcers. These beverages cause increased stomach acids that can also bother your ulcers. Though alcohol does not cause ulcers, those who drink it often are more likely to develop ulcers. The no caffeine rule is not just limited to liquids. Also avoid chocolates and other foods that have caffeine in them, as they can also irritate ulcers.
Citrus Fruits
Citrus fruits in whole or juice form can also cause ulcers to act up. Oranges, pineapple and grapefruits are especially acidic and should be avoided if foods tend to irritate your ulcers.
Tomatoes and Spicy Foods
Tomatoes, tomato-based products and spicy foods are big culprits for ulcers to act up. The high amount of acid in these products irritate the ulcers so that symptoms such as pain are increased.