Natural Ulcer Relief
Honey has been shown to prevent the growth of H. pylori, the bacteria that causes ulcers. Slowing the bacteria growth can offer relief from the pain of an ulcer. Honey also helps coat the stomach, which allows the ulcer to heal.
Teas and Herbs
Red clover neutralizes acids in the stomach, which provides relief from the pain. It is recommended that red clover be taken in the form of a tea, and at night before bed.
Another remedy is tea made from the leaves of the wood apple plant. The leaves contain high levels of tannins, which reduce the inflammation of the ulcer. Wood apple tea also has some healing properties.
Fenugreek seeds are helpful in creating a mucous coating in the stomach and intestines that helps provide a protective barrier for the ulcer to heal.
Fruit and Vegetables
There are several good fruit and vegetable remedies for ulcers. For example, raw cabbage juice has been shown to help relieve several afflictions of the digestive tract, including ulcers and acid reflux. It also helps strengthen the digestive tract, healing the problems at the source. The recommended dosage is one quart of cabbage juice daily (about 4 cups). Other vegetable juices are very beneficial as well, especially carrot, spinach, beet and cucumber. They can be taken either alone or combined with one another, but the juices should be mostly made up of carrot or cabbage as those are the most effective.
Bananas also can help lower stomach acids and coats the stomach with a special compound that gives a protective lining, allowing the ulcer to heal. Most often, people find a banana milkshake to offer a lot of relief.
A tall glass of cold milk has long been a great natural remedy for ulcers. It does not necessarily need to be cow's milk, almond milk and goat's milk have also been shown to provide relief. Yogurt is also a great way to relieve the pain of an ulcer.
Acupuncture and Meditation
Acupuncture is a process where certain pressure points on the body are targeted for relief of a variety of medical ailments. Patients have found relief from ulcers by seeking acupuncture treatment.
Because stress can aggravate an ulcer, it's important to include stress management in the treatment of your ulcer. Stress management techniques include meditation, therapy and massage.
Applying a warm compress to the stomach also has proven beneficial for some people.