Acid Reflux Cough Cure
Garlic has been used to treat everything from digestive problems to the flu. Its healing enzymes can also be utilized to treat a bad cough. The best way to do this is to create a garlic cough syrup. To prepare it, chop up a few garlic cloves and place them in a bowl or mason jar. Completely cover the garlic with honey and securely tighten the lid back onto the jar. If you are using a bowl, wrap plastic wrap around it keep the air out. Place the mixture into the refrigerator for at least 24 hours. The longer you let it marinate, the better. Ideally, you want it to sit for about two weeks before you use it. In the morning, when acid reflux is usually at its worst, take a tablespoon of the concoction to relieve your cough. Take throughout the day as needed.
Ginger Root
Ginger, like garlic, is another one of nature's cure-alls. You can buy it in many different forms like whole ginger root, sliced ginger and powdered ginger. For this application, it is best to use either whole ginger root or sliced ginger. If you have whole ginger root, carefully slice the ginger into small slivers. If you bought the sliced ginger, this is already done for you. Place the sliced ginger in your mouth and chew it until the cough goes away. Your teeth will release the enzymes in the ginger as it grinds it, and as you swallow your saliva that the chewing produces will ease any stomach aches. As the enzymes travel down your throat, some will attach themselves to the walls of your throat and relieve the inflammation.