Stomach Ulcer Remedies
Helicobacter Pylori
Determine if your stomach ulcer is caused by Helicobacter pylori. Your doctor can administer a breath test to look for this organism. If it is present, antibiotics can be prescribed to eradicate it. A natural remedy you can also use to treat a stomach ulcer is to ingest manuka honey, which can be effective in countering the Helicobacter pylori bacteria. This type of honey is made by bees that collect pollen from the flowers of the manuka tree that grows in New Zealand. This tree belongs to the same family of healing plants that produce tea tree oil. Grapefruit seed extract taken daily may also be useful for its antibacterial actions in the stomach.
Eliminate poor lifestyle choices. Stop smoking. Limit your alcohol intake and clean up your diet. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables for their high fiber content. Find ways to reduce and manage stress. Learn relaxation techniques or take up tai chi or yoga, which should help you release stress. These measures can also help you manage your pain so you won't have to rely on pain relievers that can cause additional damage to your stomach.
Eat steamed cabbage daily for a period of two weeks to see if your stomach ulcer symptoms improve. Cabbage is rich in insoluble fiber and also contains glutamine, an amino acid shown to enhance healing of ulcers. L-glutamine can also be taken in supplement form to support optimal gastrointestinal health.
Licorice has been used for thousands of years as a medicinal herb and is found to be effective in the treatment of stomach ulcers due to its ability to coat and soothe the digestive tract. Licorice must be used with care because it can have serious side effects if overused. Glycyrrhizin is the component in licorice that causes side effects like high blood pressure and cardiac complications. It is best to take a form of licorice that is deglycyrrhizinated.
Drink herbal teas or take herbs in supplement form for their antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and immune system boosting properties. Herbs which may be beneficial for their antibacterial actions are olive leaf, cat's claw and mastic. Herbs useful for reducing inflammation are green tea, reishi mushroom and resveratrol. Peppermint tea can be soothing to the stomach and may help ease ulcer symptoms.