Ulcer Home Remedies
Pepto Bismol
Researcher Barry Marshall, M.D., has found that Pepto Bismol helps some ulcer sufferers. His research determined that bacteria might be the cause of ulcers. Pepto Bismol kills bacteria in the stomach, Marshall says, and he contends that bacteria is what causes ulcers. Research on bacteria as the cause of ulcers is controversial, but Pepto Bismol may be worth a try if you're looking for ulcer relief.
Avoid Triggers
Different foods trigger ulcer reactions in different people. It's important to listen to your body and avoid the foods that normally trigger ulcer pain or discomfort. For most, spicy foods are a big culprit. Milk may provide soothing relief for a short time, but it causes more stomach acid over time. This will lead to worse ulcer pain later. Eating smaller portions of food and eating more often, however, will help to limit the amount of stomach acid your body produces.
Natural Options
Try the easy home solution author Jude C. Williams recommends in "Jude's Herbal Home Remedies." Boil potatoes and drink the water in which they were boiled. Repeat daily to cure ulcers.
Another natural option Williams suggests is to add 1 tsp. of cayenne pepper into a cup of hot water. Drinking this mixture three times a day is suggested to stop the pain, and this can be repeated until the ulcer pain is no longer affecting you.
If you aren't eating yogurt often, add it to your diet. Yogurt kills harmful bacteria, including some of the bacteria that cause stomach acid.
Less Stress
Stress often triggers ulcer reactions. You can't completely eliminate stress from your life, but you can learn to deal with it effectively. Choose to think positively about the situations you face. Practice relaxation exercises. Consciously slow down your breathing. Instead of holding in your anger and frustration about life, find a constructive way to express these feelings. Walk or take part in some other regular form of exercise you enjoy.
Over-the-Counter Medicines
Antacids won't help to cure your ulcers, but they can help you to feel better. However, stay away from aspirin and other over-the-counter pain relievers. These aren't easy on your stomach and may cause your pain to get worse.