How to Live With a Leg Ulcer
Use compression stockings for leg ulcers. Compression stockings, available by prescription, can help improve the person's circulation while also preventing excessive swelling to occur at the site of the ulcer. They are specially fitted. Retail prices can range between $40 and $100.
Elevate the legs. Elevation will also be recommended by a physician as a way to help the person's circulation. When walking, the compression stockings will be recommended. During periods of rest, the patient should have their legs elevated. Legs should be elevated above the heart during these periods. Elevation can be used to both treat and prevent leg ulcers.
Take a dietary supplement. A doctor may recommend the use of certain over the counter supplements as a way to help heal a person's leg ulcers. Both Vitamin C and flavonoids are recommended by doctors as a way to speed up ulcer and wound healing. To prove effective, 1 g of each supplement should be taken daily.
Get medical treatment from a doctor for leg ulcers. Antibiotics may need to be prescribed if an infection is present and drugs that help speed healing may also be recommended. Skin grafting is a surgical technique that replaces the skin at the ulcer site to heal leg ulcers.
Make lifestyle adjustments. If you develop a leg ulcer, you may have recurrences of the condition. You should plan to improve circulation by incorporating a regular exercise routine into your lifestyle. You should also avoid standing or sitting for long periods. Smoking and drinking should be avoided as well.