Symptoms of Ulcers
The most common symptom related to ulcer is pain. This pain can range from stomach to throat and ebb and flow from minutes to hours in length. The pain will typically be worse at night, when the body's natural defenses are at their most dormant and when sleep causes the body to lie flat. The pain is also worse when the stomach is empty and there is nothing to digest.
No Relief From Antacids
The pain can be relieved through the use of antacids or acid-buffering medication. The problem is that acid neutralizers only control acid in the stomach. Acid relief will allay the irritation of the stomach walls and the ulcer, but will not stop the pain. When Maalox, Mylanta, Pepto-Bismol or any other over-the-counter indigestion remedy fails to work, it is a sign that something more serious than indigestion is at play.
Weight Loss
People with ulcers may notice some weight loss. This is most likely because of a reluctance to eat or a reduction in the volume of what they consume. People with ulcers may find themselves consuming more liquids, such as water, nutritional supplements or milk.
Bloating & Burping
The ulcer causes extra activity to take place in the stomach, resulting in the production of gas. This will lead to an increase in gas pressure and bloating in the digestive system. The end result will be flatulence and burping, as well as discomfort in the stomach and intestine.
Blood Emission
People with ulcers may excrete blood. While the most common occurrence is through vomiting, it is also possible for blood to be seen in toileting. Blood in the urine stream or stool is not unheard of, as the blood will exit the stomach and enter the intestinal tract.