How to Get Rid of Fever Blisters on the Lip
Things You'll Need
- Fresh aloe vera gel Petroleum gel Lysine supplements
Apply fresh aloe vera gel to the affected area. Aloe promotes healing and helps prevent the fever blister from spreading. If you have an aloe plant, break off a leaf and rub the gel directly onto the fever blisters. Alternatively, you can use prepared aloe gel purchased from a health food store. Repeat three to four times per day for best results.
Apply petroleum gel directly to fever blisters several times per day to expedite healing and shield the area from bacterial infection. Petroleum gel can be purchased in drug stores, and many commercial fever blister preparations already contain the substance.
Avoid eating overly acidic foods such as citrus, spicy foods, and ketchup. These foods will irritate fever blisters and increase pain. Instead, drink plenty of water and mild foods with low sodium.
Take 500 milligrams of lysine per day during an outbreak, and as soon as you feel a fever blister beginning. This supplement will prevent outbreaks and help speed the healing process when fever blisters are already present.
Avoid heat and sunlight while fever blisters are present. These factors will increase the growth of blisters. Stay indoors as much as possible, and perform regular applications of aloe and petroleum to get rid of fever blisters on the lip.