How to Treat and Prevent Oral Ulcers
Use an over-the-counter, local anesthetic to deal with the pain. Blistex makes one specifically for this purpose under the brand name of KANKA. It comes in a pen-like device with a small brush on the end used to apply a liquid gel. Products like this offer instant relief of the pain, but do not help with the healing process.
Use an oral antiseptic rinse to kill germs. It should be used at least twice a day to keep the area sterile. Look for products that have hydrogen peroxide as the active ingredient. Also rinse your mouth with water after every time you eat.
Avoid irritating the sore when eating. Try to chew with a different part of the mouth, and avoid foods with sharp edges such as tortilla chips. Also use caution when brushing your teeth. You should not brush the ulcer directly.
Continue to rinse regularly, once a day, with an antiseptic rinse or mouthwash once the ulcer heals. This may help to keep down the germ count in your mouth so that ulcers will be less likely to form in your mouth the next time you bite yourself. It is also a good idea to increase the use of antiseptic rinse immediately after biting yourself, as you may be able to prevent an ulcer from forming.