How to Remove a Mouth Ulcer
Check the appearance of the ulcer to make sure that's the cause of your discomfort. Use a mirror to look inside your mouth. An ulcer has a whitish color with a rounded shape.
Treat the underlying cause of the mouth ulcer. If you have an infection or disease, such as herpes simplex, IBS, or thrush, which causes mouth ulcers, you'll have to treat the disorder in order to remove the mouth ulcer. If the cause is bacterial, a doctor may recommend a regimen of antibiotics.
Use an over-the-counter treatment, like Bonjela. Apply a small amount of Bonjela gel to the site of the mouth ulcer. Over the course of few days, the gel should not only relieve the pain, but also help remove the ulcer.
Take an herbal remedy to get rid of the mouth ulcer. You can try taking a supplement of lysine each day.