How to Treat Ulcers
Things You'll Need
- Stress Relief Products
- Antacids
Take antacids. Ask your doctor for recommendations - Maalox TC and Mylanta-II offer the highest acid-neutralizing capacity per teaspoonful.
Talk to your doctor about using a histamine receptor antagonist (like cimetidine, ranitidine or famotidine) to reduce stomach acid. They are all available without prescription.
Try taking a bismuth-containing preparation along with or instead of an antacid.
Ask for an upper-GI series, known as a barium swallow, to locate the site of ulceration and to check for bleeding, as well as a gastric analysis test, to measure the level of hydrochloric acid in your stomach.
Have a serum test for Helicobacter pylori, and take prescription medication if you have it.
Consider surgery if pain persists or for the complications of the ulcer. Surgical options are severing the nerve that goes to the stomach (vagotomy), removing part of the stomach (gastrectomy), or removing the acid-producing part of the stomach (anthrectomy).
Avoid eating foods that cause stomach pain: pepper, coffee (both regular and decaffeinated), fruit juices, spicy and fatty foods, and alcoholic beverages.
Avoid aspirin, ibuprofen and glucosteroids. If you have a prescription for steroids of any type, check with your doctor to see if they might be irritating your stomach lining.
Relax. Stress causes excess secretions in the gastric tract.