Holistic Cures for Gum Disease

If you suffer from gum disease, you might consider taking a holistic approach to repairing your gums, getting rid of bad breath, and solidifying the teeth in your mouth.
  1. Gum Disease Identification

    • Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is a painful condition that affects the soft tissues that surround and protect your teeth. According to the American Dental Association, there are two stages of gum disease. The first, gingivitis, is the milder of the two. Its damaging effects can be reversed if the symptoms are treated in time. The more severe condition known as periodontitis is far more dangerous.

      Holistic cures for gum disease can be tried as an alternative to taking a traditional approach. You may have gum disease if your gums bleed every time you brush your teeth, tend to be swollen most of the time, or if your teeth feel loose in their sockets., If gum disease is present, the ADA suggests you begin treatment before it worsens.

    Holistic Tooth Brushing

    • Regardless of how you go about repairing your gums, you must brush your teeth. Gum disease is often attributed to not brushing enough, so this is always a good place to start. The ADA recommends using toothpaste with fluoride, although a soothing herbal toothpaste can be used in between regular brushings, as it promotes healthy gums and fights tooth decay.

    Rinsing with Holistic Rinse Aid

    • If you suffer from gum disease, the last thing you want to do is gargle with mouthwash containing alcohol, sugar or artificial coloring. These irritate your gums and can lead to gum recession, which is already an issue with gingivitis or periodontitis. Instead, Dr. Mahnaz Fatahzadeh suggests switch to a rinsing solution sweetened with a natural sweetener, such as xylitol. Rinses containing echinacea, aloe vera and tea tree extract will promote better breath, reduce the bacteria in your mouth, and help heal your gums.

      The side effects of these ingredients in small quantities, especially xylitol, are fairly rare, and since you won't be swallowing the rinse aid, the likelihood of experiencing side effects is rather slim.

    Visit a Holistic Dentist

    • Patients who need professional help can consider using a holistic dentist. Instead of performing surgeries and prescribing antibiotics to fight periodontitis, holistic dentists perform deep cleaning on the teeth and gums, educate the patient on how to effectively get rid of plaque and bacteria around the teeth, and may even recommend natural rinses and irrigation treatments to remove gum disease agents.

      Also, a holistic dentist might suggest that gum disease patients remove certain foods from their diet, since sugary, caffeinated food and drink often contribute to gingivitis. In order to effectively get rid of gum disease holistically, the patient will need to make lifestyle changes that will benefit the teeth and gums.

      Holistic dentists might also recommend treatments for other parts of the body that might be affected by the gingivitis or could benefit your gums in other respects. Treatments such as acupuncture, natural gum sprays, or even a WaterPik irrigation tool for removing food in difficult-to-remove spots may all be recommened as beneficial ways of helping to improve gum health.

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