Diet for Curing an Ulcer
Causes of an Ulcer
According to the Mayo Clinic, there are a variety of causes for ulcers, the most common being the bacteria H. Pylori. The bacteria may be ingested through contaminated food or drinking water, and grows in the mucous layer of the stomach, causing inflammation and eventually an ulcer.
Other causes may include frequent use of pain relievers, which can cause irritation to the stomach lining. Smoking may also contribute to an ulcer, since its contents increase stomach acid which may lead to irritation and inflammation within the stomach lining. Stress does not cause ulcers, but it may contribute to a lack of healing of existing ulcers or increased symptoms due to a nervous or upset stomach.
Diet for Ulcers
The best foods to eat are those that have little spices or seasonings. Be sure to drink at least eight glasses of water each day, and avoid coffee, tea, and caffeinated or alcoholic drinks. Aside from water, stick to fruit juices with a low acid count, like apple or grape juice, and drink beverages that are caffeine-free until the ulcer is healed.
Eat six to 10 servings of starches a day, such as cooked pasta, potatoes, saltine crackers or rice. Avoid any fried starches like chips or French fries. Eat two to four servings of fruit, such as grapes, melon or bananas. Avoid citrus fruits, since the acid will cause stomach discomfort and may worsen the ulcer.
Two to four servings of vegetables are recommended, avoiding those that may cause gas or discomfort, like cabbage, broccoli, bell peppers, and pickled vegetables, like pickles or sauerkraut. Two to four servings of lean protein is suggested, with 2-to-3-oz. servings of meat, like chicken, fish or beef. Eggs, cheese and tofu are also healthy sources of protein. Stay away from any meat that is fried or overly seasoned, as well as processed meats, like sandwich meat or cold cuts.
Dairy products should be limited to two to three servings each day in the form of low-fat milk, cheese or yogurt. Avoid dairy creamers or other high-fat dairy selections.