What can you do for a bleading ulser?

Bleeding ulcers require immediate medical attention. Here's what you should do:

1. Seek Emergency Care:

- Proceed directly to the nearest emergency department or contact emergency medical services (EMS) immediately.

2. Stay Calm:

- Try to remain calm and reassure the person with the bleeding ulcer.

3. Position:

- If possible, help the person lie down on their left side to prevent aspiration (swallowing) of blood into the lungs.

4. Avoid Food and Drinks:

- Do not attempt to give any medications, food, or drinks to the person.

5. Keep Track:

- Monitor the person's vital signs (breathing, pulse, and consciousness) if you're trained to do so.

6. Stay by the Person's Side:

- Remain with the person and provide comfort until medical help arrives.

7. Share Medical Information:

- If you're accompanying the person, be ready to provide any relevant medical information, including underlying conditions and current medications.

8. Follow Doctor's Instructions:

- Once under medical supervision, follow the instructions provided by healthcare professionals.

Remember that bleeding ulcers can be serious, and professional medical attention is crucial in such situations.

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