Ulcerated Vein
Definition and Identification
An ulcer is a break in the skin that does not heal. A venous leg ulcer is an ulcer stemming from a leg vein that is not working properly, such as a varicose vein. A venous leg ulcer is usually found on the inside of the leg, above and near the ankle. The leg is often swollen, and the skin surrounding the ulcer is often itchy, dry and brownish in color.
Your doctor may prescribe any one or a combination of treatment options, including elevation, compression stockings or wraps, and applying dressings such as hydrogels, collagen wound dressings, antimicrobial dressings and synthetic skin substitutes. Occasionally, a venous leg ulcer will require plastic surgery in which skin from another area of the body is placed over the ulcer.
Help prevent ulcerated veins by doing the same things that help prevent varicose veins. These include maintaining a healthy weight, eating fruits and vegetables, getting regular exercise, avoiding tight clothes, avoiding sitting with your legs crossed and avoiding sitting for long periods of time without a break to stand or walk.