What Can You Tell From a Spot Urine Analysis?
Health Assessment and Diagnosis
A spot urine analysis may be performed by your family doctor to assess your general wellness, according to the Mayo Clinic. Many symptoms may prompt your doctor to order a urine spot analysis, including abdominal pain, blood in your urine or frequent or painful urination. Sometimes, chronic diseases, such as kidney disease or diseases of the urinary tract, may prompt your doctor to order regular spot urine tests to monitor your condition.
What to Expect
A spot urine analysis requires your doctor to get a sample of your urine. Typically, you will be asked to urinate into a sterile cup. If you are unable to urinate because of pain, infection or kidney stones, your doctor may insert a catheter to extract urine. A catheter is a thin tube that is inserted in your urethra and threaded up to your bladder, according to the National Institutes of Health.
Your doctor will first conduct a visual exam of your urine to determine if it is cloudy or clear. He will smell it to determine if an unusual odor is present. A dipstick (a plastic strip with various chemicals on it) will be placed in your urine. The dipstick turns different colors to indicate the presence of different chemicals. Dipsticks can detect acidity, protein, sugar, ketones and evidence of infection, according to the Mayo Clinic.
An abnormal spot urine analysis will show elevated levels of red blood cells, glucose or protein. It may also show glucose in the blood, which can be an indication of a kidney disorder. If it contains proteins or blood, you may have a urinary tract infection. If your spot urine analysis results show abnormal cells, it could be a sign of cancer. If it contains human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) you may be pregnant, according to Medical News Today.
Detecting Autism
New research from the Imperial College of London has identified unusual microbes in the gut of children suffering from autism. The microbes can be identified through a spot urine analysis. Imperial College researchers hope that the discovery of these microbes might lead to new treatments for autism and, ultimately, to a cure.
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