Calcium Citrate & Urinary Tract Infections
Urine pH and Bacteria
Debate exists regarding the relationship between urine pH levels and bacterial growth in the urinary tract. However, considerable evidence suggests that alkaline pH inhibits bacterial growth and reduces the chance of a urinary tract infection.
Changing pH
Minerals are an effective means of altering pH levels in the urine. Citrates, as a rule, make the urine more alkaline---or less acidic.
Calcium citrate
Good citrate choices include sodium citrate, potassium citrate and calcium citrate. Calcium citrate is readily available as a mineral supplement.
Dosing suggestions
Mineral supplements are best taken during the day rather than at bedtime. Taking the supplements at bedtime allows a heavy concentration of the minerals to remain in the bladder overnight, potentially irritating bladder tissues.
Questions Remain
While this remedy is still widely suggested and used, a recent study at the University of California San Francisco suggests that there is little relationship between urinary citrate levels and urine pH.