Signs & Symptoms of a Complicated UTI
Lower Urinary Tract Infection Symptoms
When a complicated UTI is confined to the lower urinary tract, certain symptoms are often present. A frequent urge to urinate, cloudy urine, bloating, lower abdominal pressure or discomfort, blood in the urine and strong smelling urine can occur, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center.
Infected Urethra Symptoms
If the urethra is infected, one of more of the lower urinary tract infection symptoms are often present. A burning pain while urinating can also occur when the infection is within the urethra, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center.
Kidney Infection Symptoms
When a complicated UTI affects the kidneys, the symptoms tend to be more serious and often affect the entire body. The symptoms will last longer than a week. The symptoms are nausea and vomiting, increase in urine output at night, pain in the back around the waistline, and persistent fever and chills lasting for longer than two days, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center.