What Are the Causes of Urinary Pressure?
Urinary Tract Infection
According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, a urinary tract infection is a common cause of urinary pressure. A urinary tract infection causes bladder inflammation, which reduces the urine holding capacity of the bladder.
Other Common Causes
Prostate problems, pregnancy and diabetes are common causes of urinary pressure or urinary urgency.
Less Common Causes
Urinary pressure may result from bladder cancer or a dysfunction of the bladder.
Drugs and Therapy Causes
People who take diuretic drugs or receive radiation therapy may develop urinary pressure.
Lifestyle Causes
Drinking more liquids than the bladder can hold may result in urinary pressure that may result in urinary incontinence. Caffeinated and alcoholic beverages are more likely to cause urinary pressure.
When to See a Doctor
Patients should see a doctor right away if urinary pressure is accompanied by pain in the side or back, fever or vomiting. People with bloody or cloudy urine, an unusual discharge from the vagina or penis and urinary incontinence should get medical help as soon as possible.