What Are the Causes of Human Urine Odor?
Medical Conditions
A common condition that can cause strong urine odor is dehydration. Dehydration is caused by a lack of water intake, and people often do not realize that they are dehydrated. By simply drinking more water, you will eliminate the strong urine odor.
Liver failure or disease is a serious condition that is a cause of strong human urine odor. The liver breaks down ammonia in the body and turns it into urea. Urea is then passed through the kidneys and out of the body through urine. When the liver cannot process or break down ammonia, the result is a strong urine odor.
Diabetes that is not treated causes glucose or blood sugar levels to rise in the body. When the pancreas cannot produce enough insulin to convert glucose to energy, the body will pass the excess glucose out of the body through the urine. This condition will cause you to have strong, sweet smelling urine.
Other medical conditions responsible for strong urine odor are urinary tract infections, cystitis (bladder infections), and kidney infections. These infections are caused by the growth of bacteria. The combination of bacteria and infection create strong smelling urine.
Asparagus, meats with high fat content, onions and garlic have been known to cause strong human urine odor. This does not happen to everyone, but if you have a problem with strong urine and no health issues, you can try eliminating these foods from your diet to see if the problem goes away.
Vitamin supplements, particularly vitamin B, can have a tendency to cause a strong smell to urine. The body will only use the vitamins that it needs. Excess vitamins are passed out of the body through the urine. If you take too much vitamin B, it can cause a strong urine odor and turn the urine a bright yellow.