Bed Wetting & Frequent Urination
Bed Wetting
Bed wetting, or enuresis, occurs when someone, usually a child, urinates while sleeping because he does not wake up when his bladder signals that it is full.
Frequent Urination
According to MedlinePlus, frequent urination occurs when a person needs to urinate more often than is usual. It can occur at night, causing her to get out of bed to empty her bladder.
Bladder Size
A child who's bladder has not grown large enough to keep up with the amount of urine his kidneys produce could have problems with bed wetting. It could also lead him to urinate frequently during the day. Once his bladder grows, the problems will stop.
Urinary Tract Infection
A urinary tract infection can cause a person to feel as though she needs to urinate frequently. In children, it can lead to bed wetting, says the American Urological Association. A urinary tract infection can be treated with antibiotics.
Too Many Fluids
Drinking too many fluids during the day can cause frequent urination. If you continue to drink fluids near bedtime, especially those with caffeine or sugar, you risk wetting the bed. Decreasing fluids will reduce urination frequency and the chance of bed wetting.