What Are Normal Urinary Voids?
Urinary Voids
A urinary void occurs when you urinate to empty your bladder. Normal urinary voids vary according to age.
Normal urinary output in adults totals about 1400 mL per day for both men and women.
Children between infancy and the age of two void about 500 mL per day. Normal urinary voids increase to 700 mL per day by the age of five and 1000 mL by age eight. Between the ages of eight and 14, children's normal urinary voids match those of adults.
Abnormal Voids
Increased urination can be a symptom of an inflamed prostate or diabetes. If you have smaller, more frequent urinary voids than usual, you could have a urinary tract infection.
Most adults do not need to void during the night. If you need to get up during the night in order to empty your bladder, you can talk to your doctor about solutions.