Bladder Outlet Symptoms
Changes in Urine Production
Of all the symptoms of a bladder outlet obstruction, a change in urine production is by far the most common. And depending on the severity of the blockage, you'll experience this change in varying degrees. For some people, little to no urine is produced or released on a visit to the bathroom, even though there may be an urge. For others, urine is produced but it flows much slower than normal or you experience stops and starts during urination.
Changes in Urination Frequency
Along with this change in urine production, you may also suffer from a change in urinary frequency. With this particular symptom, there's an increase in the frequency of urination or the urge to urinate. However, as you evacuate your bladder of fluid, it may never really feel as if it's empty, sending you back for another trip sooner than normal.
Another common symptom of a bladder outlet obstruction is pain. This pain is frequently felt during urination, but it may also manifest within the abdominal region of the body with or without urination. This pain can vary in intensity, ranging from subtle to pronounced, and may be sporadic or persistent in nature.
With a bladder outlet obstruction, it is also possible to suffer from more frequent urinary tract infections. When the urine is somehow restricted or stopped from emptying into the urethra, the potential for it to become infected with a bacteria is greatly increased. In addition, any backflow of contaminated urine may not only cause a bacterial infection within the urethra, but also the bladder or even the kidneys. Fever, fatigue and additional urinary changes, like stinging pain and hazy urine, can result.
In cases of a bladder outlet obstruction caused by bladder stones, you may also suffer from some level of bleeding. This symptom typically manifests within the urine, causing its color to change to pink, red or even brown.