Foods That Cause Struvite Crystals
Dry Food
Dry food can be especially struvite forming in cats. This can be traced back to the evolution of cats, which frequently occurred in dry areas where cats' main intake was water from eating their prey. As a result, cats evolved to drink very little water. By feeding them dry food, cats may end up with ideal internal conditions for the formation of struvite crystals. Using wet food that has been slightly diluted with water and placing many water bowls and fountains around the house can help reduce these crystals.
Grains were first put in pet food not out of a health benefit to the pets but as a convenience to owners. Cats and dogs do not process grains well, and sometimes they cannot process them at all. Carbohydrates like grain tend to have a higher (more alkaline) pH which is a much better condition for struvite crystals to grow in. Many dry foods contain these grains, which leads to the double problem of a lack of moisture and an alkaline pH. Look for grain-free pet foods with higher amounts of protein.
Alkalizing Foods
There are other foods, like grain, that provide a pH environment conducive to the growth of struvite crystals. Some of these foods include broccoli, beans, millet, potatoes, pumpkin, honey, nondistilled vinegar, squash, apples, bananas, and cabbage. These foods are extremely healthy for humans but they can be harmful to your pets.
Processed Foods
Other problematic food items include those with preservatives, dyes, and meat substitutes. These can be found in some types of wet and dry food and can lead to a disruption of your pet's internal pH. Some pet foods even include ammonium chloride instead of quality protein in an attempt to make the food more acidic. The best alternative to this low quality food is to feed your pet organic wet pet food that does not have these preservatives or chemicals inside them.