Is B Strep Always Present in Your Urine?
The Facts
Group B strep is commonly found in the body and typically causes no health concerns, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. In addition to the urinary tract, group B bacteria can inhabit the digestive and reproductive tracts of both men and women.
Varying Presence
The amount of group B strep in the body can vary over time, according to the Mayo Clinic. Some individuals may have a permanent presence, while in others the bacteria may come and go intermittently or remain in the body for only a short period of time.
Presence in Women
The American Pregnancy Association notes that group B strep is present in roughly 15 to 40 percent of all healthy women.
The presence of group B strep in the urinary tract can trigger a urinary tract infection, according to the Mayo Clinic.
While some individuals with chronic medical conditions develop more serious group B strep infections, others do not, according to the Mayo Clinic. Doctors do not know the reason for these varying effects.