What Is Urinary Hemorrhaging?
Urinary Hemorrhaging
Urinary hemorrhaging, or hematuria, is the presence of blood in the urine. In microscopic heaturia, red blood cells can be detected under a microscope. In gross hematuria, the blood is visible to your naked eye.
If you are experiencing urinary hemorrhaging, your urine will appear to be pink, red or the color of cola. Hematuria is not painful unless you are passing blood clots in your urine, says the Mayo Clinic.
Urinary hemorrhaging can be caused by strenuous exercise, kidney or bladder stones, or an enlarged prostate.
Risk Factors
Anyone can experience urinary hemorrhaging, but you are more likely to experience it if you regularly engage in strenuous exercise, if you have recently had an infection or if you are a man with prostate problems.
Urinary hemorrhaging caused by exercise will stop on its own. According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease, treating the underlying cause of hematuria, such as a tumor or an infection, will stop the bleeding.