Incontinence Medication Danger
Incontinence can be caused by bladder spasms, weakened sphincters and weak muscles, which reduce your ability to avoid leaking urine.
Anticholinergic agents
Anticholinergic agents are drugs that relax muscles and prevent incontinence caused by bladder spasms. Dangers involved in taking anticholinergic agents include side effects like dry mouth, blurred vision, increased heart rate and memory loss.
Antimuscarinic drugs
Antimuscarinic drugs are medications for overactive bladder and the urgent need to urinate. If you take them, you could experience dry mouth and constipation.
Alpha-Adrenergic Agonist Drugs
Taking alpha-adrenergic agonist drugs can help strengthen your sphincter and prevent incontinence. Side effects of this type of medication include agitation, cardiac arrhythmia and difficulty breathing.
If the danger of taking incontinence medications outweighs the benefits, you have other treatment options. Your doctor can recommend exercises, behavioral changes and surgical procedures that could help.