Indication & Purpose of a Urinalysis
Routine Physical
A routine physical exam often includes a urinalysis to screen for early signs of medical problems. Abnormal waste products or abnormal levels of cells may indicate disease.
Monitoring Disease
For patients who already have an existing condition like diabetes or kidney disease, urinalysis helps to monitor their status and determines whether their course of treatment requires adjustment.
Urinary Tract Symptoms
Patients who have urinary symptoms undergo urinalysis to help doctors diagnose urinary tract diseases, like infections. Abnormal test results in such cases commonly include blood and increased white cells in the urine.
A different type of urinalysis for the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin shows pregnancy. You can get this test at your doctor's office, or you can perform a test yourself using a home-testing kit.
Drug Screening
Employers may use specialized urinalysis tests to screen job applicants and employees for drug use. Sports associations test athletes for drugs. Law enforcement also uses forensic urinalysis to screen for drugs and toxins.