What Are the Three Types of Urinary Diversion?
For all three surgical procedures, a part of the small or large bowel is used for reconstruction. This is done by disconnecting the bowel from the fecal stream.
Ileal Conduit Diversion
This is a relatively simple surgery that allows the end of the ileum to drain out through an abdominal wall opening and deposit the urine into an external bag.
Indiana Pouch Reservoir Diversion
This surgical method uses portions of the intestines to make a pouch. Urine is stored in the pouch until it can be drained out through a catheter that is inserted through the stoma (an opening in the abdominal wall).
Neobladder to Urethra Diversion
A neobladder, or new bladder, is made to closely mimic the ability of the urinary bladder. Part of the small intestine is used to make a pouch, which is then connected to the urethra.
Ileal conduit diversion can cause urine to back up into the kidneys, which can lead to infections, stones and organ damage. The Indiana pouch procedure has a longer recovery time compared with ileal conduit diversion, and neobladder to urethra diversion can cause long-term incontinence.