What Is a Urinary Spasm?
The bladder normally gently fills with urine and you slowly feel the need to go to the bathroom. The muscles do not constrict until you urinate. A urinary spasm occurs when the bladder contracts randomly, according to the Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas.
A bladder spasm is when the bladder squeezes without warning causing a need to release urine. This incontinence (uncontrollable urine output) may be just a leak, or the bladder contents may empty during the spasm.
A urinary spasm, sometimes called an overactive bladder, can be painful. You may experience a burning sensation especially if the cause is a urinary tract infection.
Urinary spasms may be the result of damaged nerves, according to National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse. The muscles controlling the bladder may get the signal to contract at the wrong time. The spasms also can be caused by infection and irritation from certain foods.
Treatment may include medications to cause the bladder to relax, retraining the bladder to empty on a specific schedule or exercises to strengthen the surrounding muscles.