LLLT Treatment for Urinary Leakage
As a person becomes more obese, more weight and pressure is placed on the muscles of the pelvic floor. Over time, this causes the muscles to weaken, resulting in less control over urination. With less control comes the possibility of urinary incontinence.
Low level laser therapy works by applying a singular wavelength of infrared light to the skin. This wavelength emits no sound, heat or vibration. The wavelength can also be adjusted to penetrate shallow and slightly deeper levels of the skin. Once the wavelength enters the body's tissue, it manipulates the function of individual cells in a process known as irradiation. According to a technology assessment conducted in 2004 by Grace Wang of the Department of Labor and Industries, "irradiation stimulates collagen production, alters DNA synthesis, and improves the function of damaged neurological tissue."
Low level laser therapy as a method of reducing obesity and urinary incontinence is currently cleared by the Food and Drug Administration. In addition, clinical tests of this method show promise. According to the Laser Wellness Center, "preliminary studies are very encouraging and show weight losses of 2 to 5 pounds weekly and a loss of 9 to 15 inches around the body with five treatments and even more for a complete 10-treatment program.
One benefit of low level laser therapy is that it is a simple, painless, non-invasive procedure. It can be performed on both children and adults. According to Medical News Today, no reports of serious side effects exist.
Because LLLT can help reduce obesity, it has the potential to lower an individual's risk of several other complications as well, including type 2 diabetes, gallbladder disease, arthritis and breathing difficulty.