UTI's & Sinus Infections
According to wrongdiagnosis.com, 1-in-5 American women will experience at least one UTI in her lifetime. Left untreated, both UTI and sinus infection can cause life-threatening health consequences.
Symptoms of UTI
Symptoms of UTI are generally easy to identify and include urinary pain or urgency, lower back pain and general malaise. Signs of infection include blood, bacteria or white blood cells in the urine, and fever.
Sinus Infection Symptoms
Nasal congestion, dizziness, nausea and sinus pain are common symptoms of sinus infection. According to emedicinehealth.com, fever, nasal discharge and facial swelling may also be present.
While not dangerous in itself, bladder infection can spread to the kidneys, causing serious complications including sepsis, permanent kidney damage or renal failure. According to american-rhinologic.com, advanced sinus infection may cause brain abscess, eye injury or permanent loss of taste and smell.
Treatment with prescription antibiotics is the only proven treatment for UTI and bacterial sinus infection. If you experience symptoms of either condition, seek medical help to avoid serious complications.